Ayurvedic Marma Massage
Dates: 14,15 &16 September 2012
Times: Friday 4-8 PM and Sat/Sun 9-6 PM
Outline of course:
In Ayurveda, “marma” refers to vital energy points connecting the flow of intelligence in the body. In this dynamic hands-on class you will learn fundamentals of Ayurveda, assessment criteria necessary for the bodywork, the mind-body science behind marma therapy, essential oils for treatments and a full-body routine. Detailed workbook included.
Registration and inquiries:
Northwest Academy for the Healing Arts
$360 early registration (ends August 30th)
$400 thereafter
Northwest Academy for the Healing Arts
Annex – 2735 California Ave SW, Suite B
Seattle, WA 98116
Christopher Sean Rice, LMP – Ayurvedic therapist & educator working in holistic health for 14 years. Learn more about Christopher at Wild Sun Therapeutics.