8 Things To Do Before Enrolling In Massage School

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seattle massage school checklistProspective students who are contemplating enrollment into a massage school should seriously consider several things before they make the commitment. Here are 8 things that a prospective massage school student should do before they sign the registration papers:

1) Get a Professional Massage  – It would be wise to take a trip to a local spa or massage therapy clinic and spend the $60 – $80 investment to actually get a massage. This way, the potential massage student can get a feel for the job.

2) Visit a nearby massage school
– If there are a few massage schools nearby, check them all out to ensure that the final choice is suitable.

3) Consider personality traits –
It takes a real people-person who likes to cater to people to make a great massage therapist. It’s not all glory and stardom.

4) Understand licensing requirements – Massage therapists must be licensed. Knowing the requirements will reduce any speed bumps prior to entering the working world.

5) Think about learning similar therapies – Massage therapists can work in variety of different fields or specialties. Some will focus their practice around aromatherapy or sports massage, while others will continue their education at a medical school to learn modalities like acupuncture or naturopathic medicine. Learning different techniques of therapy will make an individual more versatile in the career world.

6) Scope out possible employment options – Before heading off to school, prospective students should make sure that there will be possible employment options. Larger cities may offer higher paying, prestigious jobs.

7) Learn about pain management – One vital aspect of massage therapy is pain management, so it is imperative to learn about how massage therapy correlates with the reduction of pain.

8) Assess their inner self –  Essentially, the love for any career comes from within. If an individual has a pure love for helping others through healing touch they will surely succeed in this career.

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