Top 10 Reasons

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Being a Massage Therapist -10 Benefits

Being a Massage Therapist -10 Benefits

Massage TherapistBeing a massage therapist can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling career. Not only do you get to help people feel better physically and emotionally, but you also have the opportunity to make a positive impact on their overall well-being. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the top 10 best things about being a massage therapist.

  1. Helping people feel better

One of the most obvious benefits of being a massage therapist is the ability to help people feel better physically. Whether your clients are dealing with chronic pain, injury, or just need to relax, your massage techniques can provide relief and promote healing.

  1. Building relationships with clients

As a massage therapist, you have the opportunity to build long-lasting relationships with your clients. Many people see their massage therapist regularly, which means you have the chance to get to know them on a personal level and help them on their journey towards wellness.

  1. A flexible schedule

If you’re looking for a career with a flexible schedule, massage therapy is a great option. You can set your own hours and work as little or as much as you want. This can be especially helpful if you have other commitments, such as family or school.

  1. A variety of work settings

As a massage therapist, you can work in a variety of settings, from spas and resorts to hospitals and clinics. This can provide a lot of variety in your work and allow you to explore different aspects of the profession.

  1. Continuous learning and growth

There’s always something new to learn in the field of massage therapy. From new techniques and tools to advances in technology, there are plenty of opportunities for continuous learning and growth. This can help you stay engaged and excited about your work.

  1. A physically active job

If you’re someone who enjoys staying active, massage therapy can be a great career choice. You’ll be on your feet for most of the day and using your hands and arms to perform massage techniques, which can provide a good workout.

  1. A positive impact on mental health

Massage therapy isn’t just good for physical health; it can also have a positive impact on mental health. Massage has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and can promote relaxation and improve mood.

  1. A career that’s in demand

As more people become interested in natural and alternative forms of healthcare, the demand for massage therapists continues to grow. This means there are plenty of job opportunities available and a good outlook for the future of the profession.

  1. The ability to be self-employed

If you’re someone who values independence and autonomy, becoming a self-employed massage therapist may be a good fit. You can set your own rates and build your own business, which can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

  1. Making a difference in people’s lives

Perhaps the biggest benefit of being a massage therapist is the ability to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Whether you’re helping someone recover from an injury, manage chronic pain, or just relax and unwind, your work can have a profound impact on their well-being.

In conclusion, being a massage therapist can be a wonderful career choice for those who are passionate about helping others and promoting wellness. From the ability to make a positive impact on people’s lives to the flexibility and autonomy that comes with being a self-employed massage therapist, there are plenty of reasons to consider pursuing this rewarding profession.

For more information about being a massage therapist contact our massage school admissions team

10 Benefits of Attending a Hybrid (Online & In-Person) Massage Program

10 Benefits of Attending a Hybrid (Online & In-Person) Massage Program

Online Massage SchoolClear Benefits For Professionals In Multiple Fields
Whether you’re in massage therapy already, you work as a registered nurse, assist in physical therapy offices, operate as a fitness trainer, lead yoga classes, instruct Pilate courses, or assist seniors at a nursing home, there are clear benefits to programs from hybrid massage schools.

When you can simultaneously study online, and in person, you get the best of both worlds. We’ll explore some key benefits of hybrid training here to help give you a better idea of how such learning can work for you.

1. Education On Your Schedule
It’s hard enough to work, let alone get a simultaneous supplemental education. If you’re not working, it can still be hard to learn owing to other basic factors of day-to-day life. With hybrid massage schools, you can use online courses for inconvenient scheduling; then drop into live classes when you have the ability.

2. Work And Study Simultaneously
Many schools require intensive attendance to acquire certification. In today’s world, that’s just not feasible for most. The cost of living just keeps getting higher, and time is literally money. With hybrid massage schools, you can maximize yours.

3. Expedite Tech Familiarity, Learning New Programs Like Zoom
Zoom is a program for face-to-face group interaction that is presently revolutionizing online education. Technology resources like these often have collateral potential beyond the classroom.

Whatever digital interface you use for your hybrid massage schools, you’ll be able to take that knowledge with you. This can come in handy elsewhere, as today’s world has ample opportunity for non-centralized online interaction.

4. Make New Contacts Locally And Across The Country–Even The World
With online hybrid massage schools, you’ll be able to meet people who are in the same field, but don’t live local to where you are. This allows you to make national and international contacts which give you the ability to expand your business.

5. Absorption Of Cutting-Edge Knowledge As Soon As It’s Available
New learning in terms of massage theory and application develop like breakthroughs in any medical arena. Medicine isn’t presently a monolith, and professionals find out new things pertaining to the human body all the time. You want to incorporate new learning into present practices whenever possible, and if you’re just starting out, it’s prime to be on the cutting edge.

6. Segmentation Of Learning: Theory And Hands-On As You Need It
Much of what you learn doesn’t actually require you to have any hands-on interaction. Accordingly, when you can segment your learning, you can apply this aspect of massage school as you need it, rather than have to spend days taking notes that would have been just as appropriately harvested from an online course.

7. Smaller Class Sizes And Direct Engagement With Educators
Online courses afford you the opportunity to work with a close-knit group, and obtain specific instruction from your educator. This isn’t often possible in larger, traditional courses; you might end up just a statistic in massage schools without hybrid options.

8. The Latest Available Research-Based Educational Opportunities
Research from educational facilities online have access to global breakthroughs, meaning not only do you get the latest research, you are able to obtain that research from a source with greater reach than location-based institutions can often provide.

9. Assistance With Career Placement
Career placement through hybrid massage schools provides you opportunities outside your locality. Localized options without an internet component will have limited ability to get you hired beyond your region.

10. Access To Experienced Faculty
Online schools who also offer physical classroom experiences must provide educators that can handle either, and have cutting-edge acumen in their field. You’ll likely find more expertise through these solutions than you would in a strictly physical environment.

Educationally Branching Out
There are a lot of reasons to go with hybrid massage schools when you’re adding to your therapeutic skill set, or acquiring such knowledge for the first time.

Experienced faculty, career placement, research-based cutting edge options, scheduling around work, more intimate class sizes, learning segmentation, a broad array of contacts, and new technology familiarity are just a few of many benefits from this educational option. If you haven’t looked into hybrid massage schools, this might be a wise step.

Learn more about our hybrid / online massage program option here

8 Tips to Ensure a Motivated and Productive Spring

8 Tips to Ensure a Motivated and Productive Spring

Spring Massage school Stretching

Spring has sprung! With the nice weather, it may be tempting to run outside and enjoy the spring weather. Now is the time to rejuvenate your career. Here are eight spring tips to stay motivated and productive this season.

1. Evaluate

You made it through Q1 but how did you do? Whether you have an official quarterly review or you are performing a self-evaluation, it’s important to look back and reflect. What were your accomplishments? What did you struggle with? And most importantly…what did you learn?

Consider not only your career but also your personal life as well, they often correlate with your overall state of well-being.

2. Start an Exercise Routine

Take advantage of the beautiful weather and get outside. Create a workout schedule and hang it up in your home. Switch up your routine to stay in shape and motivated. Click here to learn how to build your own workout routine.

3. Refresh Your Style

What better time to upgrade your style than in the spring? Clean up your work wardrobe and change your hairstyle to feel refreshed and new.

4. Create New Challenges

Challenge yourself to get out of a your rut. Work to expand your career skills by taking a class or seminar. Learning a new skill can motivate you this spring to push your career to the next level.

Healthcare professionals can significantly benefit from broadening their skill set. Massage therapy can be applied to a wide range of career paths including nursing, physical therapy, yoga or palates instructing.

5. Spring Clean

Spring cleaning is not just for your home! It’s reported that productivity can rise by 5%  with a clean working environment. Whether you work in an office, cubicle or unconventional workspace, take some time to clean your space.

Pitch the trash, organize your files and wipe down those areas that get dusty. You will feel refreshed and ready to tackle your new projects.

6. Revisit Your Resolution

You are a few months into the year, how are you doing with your New Year’s Resolution? Take some time to revisit your resolution and monitor your progress. You may even need to alter your goals to fit your new plans.

7. Make a List of Goals

Make a list of three to five goals you would like to accomplish during the rest of the year. These can be based on your New Year’s resolution or something that has developed since. Your goals should be S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely.

A great example of a S.M.A.R.T. goal would be: Complete a massage therapy program and receive a certification by the end of the year.

8. Plan your Next Vacation

What is more motivated than working towards a vacation. American workers took 16.2 days of vacation in 2015, nearly one full week less time off than in the year 2000. Take some time this spring to plan your summer vacation. Print some photos to hang up so you can stay motivated throughout the day.


Are you ready for spring? Take these spring tips and set yourself up for a successful year. Start your Spring on the right foot by enrolling into a personalized massage therapy program, contact us today.

Top 10 Reasons to Consider Attending Massage School

Top 10 Reasons to Consider Attending Massage School


You are someone who has thought a lot about massage therapy. You may have even benefited from it. You know its advantages, and you like the idea of helping people feel better. What you now need to transition an interest into a career is a massage school.


  • To acquire the newest knowledge and cutting edge techniques – A quality massage school education will keep you abreast of the leading industry news, trends, and skills.
  • To help people feel healthier – If you have a giving spirit and you have empathy for those in difficult health situations, a massage therapist can literally be the healing hands someone needs.
  • To be your own boss
  • To make your own hours – You can tailor your life around your work or your work around your life.
  • Ever-expanding job opportunities in a growing field – The US Department of Labor estimates that massage therapy positions are growing at a rate of between 18-26% annually.
  • A belief in natural health – Many people are engaging with non-pharmacological health alternatives.
  • To help others live a more stress free life
  • Rapid education-to-work turnaround
  • To be taken seriously – If you want to be a legitimate hand (or two) in an industry some mistakenly see as seedy due to the unlicensed, non-therapeutic practitioners, a license and certification will do just that.
  • Have a career – A licensed massage therapist from a respected massage school isn’t a job, it’s a career.

For more information about massage school or a list of ten more reasons to consider attending a massage school or massage therapy program contact us at: or 206-932-5950.