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Infant Massage: Nurturing the Emotional and Physical Connection

Infant-Massage-School-Seattle.jpgAs widespread understanding of the benefits of massage therapy become commonplace, the art and science of the craft are furthered and more uncommon aspects of it are explored. Infant massage is one such branch of massage therapy that has garnered positive criticism for its multi-beneficial effect. Not only does massage therapy help to calm an infant, it serves to strengthen the child’s humanistic tendencies and also aids in healthy adolescent development. The full scientific consensus on infant massage is still pending a lot of analysis and research, but that’s not stopping practitioners and mothers alike from boasting its effectiveness.

Understanding Infant Massage

The anatomy of an infant and the ailments for which they might need massage therapy vary greatly from that of an adult. A seasoned athlete who may need massage work for sore or tense muscles is going to require a vastly augmented amount of force and precise physical targeting, as where the key for infant massage is soft and gentle.

  • The Technique necessary for a safe and effective practice of infant massage requires consideration and at least some training. An infant’s anatomy is much more underdeveloped than an adult, therefore, errors such as the application of too much force could have a negative effect on the child’s physical development. Investing in a massage therapy course before attempting infant massage is crucial to developing a good technique with a solid foundation. Massage therapy for an infant requires paying close attention to how the baby reacts, this will tell you if they find your current technique painful or uncomfortable. Further concentration into the specifics of infant massage is now possible due to its popularity.
  • The Benefits of infant massage are both immediate and long-term. The soothing touch can calm and relax babies, and also aid in putting them to sleep. A massage can help reduce crying and invariably creates a significant and important bond between the infant and others, most importantly the child’s mother and father. A long-term benefit of infant massage is that it can help maintain a healthy balance of the infant’s stress control hormones (according to the Mayo Clinic.) As with any infant care practice, if the massage is not performed correctly it could be detrimental. For example, massaging an infant too soon after eating can cause the baby to vomit.

Infant massage therapists benefit from a growing career that is heavily lauded for its positive effect on others. An investment in an education in massage therapy will prepare you embark on this field, and as the practice of, and interest in, infant massage therapy continues to grow so do the job opportunities. Whether it be for personal use with your own family or as a prospective career the time to act is now.

Click Here: For more information about infant massage in seattle massage schools

Hands on Learning in Massage School: Training the Brain Through Touch

seated-chair-massage-school.jpgHave you been looking for a career where you can work independently and make a good living – as well as help people feel their best? If the answer is yes, then attending a massage school may lead you to the career you will be proud of.

Learning styles in massage school 

What is your learning style? Do you do best in a classroom setting where the instructor gives lectures? Do you learn best by using charts, videos or other visuals? Or, are you able to retain more information if you are participating in activities that help the information to sink in? 

  • Lecture 
  • Visual
  • Kinesthetic (hands-on)


Do your eyes glaze over and your mind wanders during long lectures? If the answer to that is yes, you aren’t alone. You try to pay attention, but once the lecture is over you realize you haven’t retained what you should have. A large majority of classrooms use the lecture-based type of teaching. 

While some lecture in the classroom is necessary, studies have shown that during a lecture, the instructor usually says about 100-200 words a minute. Out of these, the typical student hears only about half. Add a wandering mind to the equation, and comprehension during lectures is an ineffective way to teach – and to learn.

Visual learner

If you learn best by using visual aides, you probably have found methods that help you organize and retain information. There are many great visual learning tools used in massage therapy school. Anatomy charts, muscle maps and models compliment a student that does best with a visual learning style.

Kinesthetic learner

Many people learn best when they are engaged in activities – watching and performing the task that is being  taught. Those who prefer the kinesthetic learning style may find it difficult to sit through a lecture, and retain very little of what is shared. 

Kinesthetic learners like to get in and do it! If this physical and hands-on style of learning is more like you, you may find massage therapy school right up your alley. Since massage therapy is a hands-on field of study, most students who are interested in massage school are kinesthetic learners. When you attend a massage therapy school, you will experience a lot of hands-on activity – both by learning to do massage, and by receiving massages from your fellow massage therapy school students. 

Massage school typically integrates all of the learning styles in ways that will lead you to a successful career in massage therapy.


Click Here: For more information about learning styles used at seattle massage schools



Steps for Passing Your Massage Therapy Board Exam

describe the imageThe massage board exam (FSMTB MBLEx), is designed to ascertain expertise in massage therapy.  It is broken into 8 categories: client assessment and treatment; benefits and affects of techniques; pathologies, contraindications and cautions; history of massage; laws, ethics, boundaries and regulations; professional practice; kinesiology; and anatomy and physiology.  It is 125 multiple-choice questions and your will have 2.5 hours to take it.  On a scale from 300 to 900, you will need to score a 630 to gain board certification.

In terms of content, you will have already learned everything you need in massage school to pass the exam.  This does not, of course, mean that you remember it all, which is where additional preparation comes in.  A guide to the content of the exam, including the percentage devoted to each section, is available  from the FSMTB here.  Use this as a baseline, but tailor your focus to your own predispositions.  Areas you feel stronger in will require less study, and vice versa.

Start well in advance – in other words, don’t cram.  Cramming is not good test preparation.  It increases nervous tension and does not establish the material firmly in your long-term memory.  Study for an hour a day for 1-2 months in advance of the exam.  Find a calm, quiet space, set a timer, and don’t pressure yourself to go beyond the allotted 60 minutes.  Use a study guide (there are several available), and work methodically and thoroughly through the material.

In the last week, do a full review of the all of the categories, concentrating on those you’re least sure of.  Eat healthy, balanced meals, exercise moderately and get full-nights of sleep.  Foods high in B vitamins will help with concentration.

When it comes to the test itself, read each question carefully, make sure you fully understand it, then answer.  If you’re not sure of an answer, leave it blank, move on and return to it when you’ve completed all of the questions you know.  For these remaining questions, read for categoricals: ie, “always,” “never,” “everything,” “nothing” – these can rule many choices out.  And keep in mind that 2 of the 4 choices can usually be ruled out easily.  Of the remaining 2, make the choice that seems most correct.

Following these simple practices and techniques will make the board exam less stressful and lead to better results.  Good luck and study hard!