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8 Reasons Massage School is Worth the Financial Investment


Becoming a massage therapist is a wonderful career path to follow. It is a skill you can carry with you anywhere you go. Here are 8 reasons why attending massage school is worth the financial investment.

  1. It’s a skill you can take with you anywhere you go. Though you may have to update your license depending on where life takes you, you will always be able to take this skill with you on the road. You can work for a massage franchise company, start your own practice or go on the road with a professional athletic team. You can even work with a cruise line and see the world.
  2. People love massage. Massage is often seen as a luxury, but more and more people are realizing the many health benefits that come with massage. From helping with insomnia, relieving stress and preventing and treating injuries, massage has become a perfect tool for helping people live healthier lives.
  3. You learn more about yourself. Massage isn’t just for helping others, it can help you learn more about yourself. Like how you handle stressful situations and what your boundaries are.
  4. Massage school is a great stepping stone. If you are just graduating high school or looking to transition careers, massage school is a great stepping stone for that. It pays more than your regular retail job making it ideal for a student needing to make their way to college.
  5. Set your own schedule. Once you graduate, setting your own schedule is fairly simple. Most massage clinics are open seven days a week. If you open your own practice, your schedule is up to you.
  6. Flexibility. Most massage schools have several programs to choose from. You can attend part-time or full time. You can also pick between daytime classes, evening or weekend.
  7. Endless opportunity to further improve yourself. Once you have your license, you have to keep it up to date and attend continuing education courses which means you get to learn more! There are always fascinating topics to pick from including aromatherapy, prenatal and infant massage as well as sports massage therapy. There are even courses in equine and canine massage!
  8. You can help others. Going to massage school will lead you to a path to become or enhance your nurturing skills. It’s a great way to help others live healthier lives.

What are you waiting for?

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Infant Massage: Nurturing the Emotional and Physical Connection

Infant-Massage-School-Seattle.jpgAs widespread understanding of the benefits of massage therapy become commonplace, the art and science of the craft are furthered and more uncommon aspects of it are explored. Infant massage is one such branch of massage therapy that has garnered positive criticism for its multi-beneficial effect. Not only does massage therapy help to calm an infant, it serves to strengthen the child’s humanistic tendencies and also aids in healthy adolescent development. The full scientific consensus on infant massage is still pending a lot of analysis and research, but that’s not stopping practitioners and mothers alike from boasting its effectiveness.

Understanding Infant Massage

The anatomy of an infant and the ailments for which they might need massage therapy vary greatly from that of an adult. A seasoned athlete who may need massage work for sore or tense muscles is going to require a vastly augmented amount of force and precise physical targeting, as where the key for infant massage is soft and gentle.

  • The Technique necessary for a safe and effective practice of infant massage requires consideration and at least some training. An infant’s anatomy is much more underdeveloped than an adult, therefore, errors such as the application of too much force could have a negative effect on the child’s physical development. Investing in a massage therapy course before attempting infant massage is crucial to developing a good technique with a solid foundation. Massage therapy for an infant requires paying close attention to how the baby reacts, this will tell you if they find your current technique painful or uncomfortable. Further concentration into the specifics of infant massage is now possible due to its popularity.
  • The Benefits of infant massage are both immediate and long-term. The soothing touch can calm and relax babies, and also aid in putting them to sleep. A massage can help reduce crying and invariably creates a significant and important bond between the infant and others, most importantly the child’s mother and father. A long-term benefit of infant massage is that it can help maintain a healthy balance of the infant’s stress control hormones (according to the Mayo Clinic.) As with any infant care practice, if the massage is not performed correctly it could be detrimental. For example, massaging an infant too soon after eating can cause the baby to vomit.

Infant massage therapists benefit from a growing career that is heavily lauded for its positive effect on others. An investment in an education in massage therapy will prepare you embark on this field, and as the practice of, and interest in, infant massage therapy continues to grow so do the job opportunities. Whether it be for personal use with your own family or as a prospective career the time to act is now.

Click Here: For more information about infant massage in seattle massage schools

Hands on Learning in Massage School: Training the Brain Through Touch

seated-chair-massage-school.jpgHave you been looking for a career where you can work independently and make a good living – as well as help people feel their best? If the answer is yes, then attending a massage school may lead you to the career you will be proud of.

Learning styles in massage school 

What is your learning style? Do you do best in a classroom setting where the instructor gives lectures? Do you learn best by using charts, videos or other visuals? Or, are you able to retain more information if you are participating in activities that help the information to sink in? 

  • Lecture 
  • Visual
  • Kinesthetic (hands-on)


Do your eyes glaze over and your mind wanders during long lectures? If the answer to that is yes, you aren’t alone. You try to pay attention, but once the lecture is over you realize you haven’t retained what you should have. A large majority of classrooms use the lecture-based type of teaching. 

While some lecture in the classroom is necessary, studies have shown that during a lecture, the instructor usually says about 100-200 words a minute. Out of these, the typical student hears only about half. Add a wandering mind to the equation, and comprehension during lectures is an ineffective way to teach – and to learn.

Visual learner

If you learn best by using visual aides, you probably have found methods that help you organize and retain information. There are many great visual learning tools used in massage therapy school. Anatomy charts, muscle maps and models compliment a student that does best with a visual learning style.

Kinesthetic learner

Many people learn best when they are engaged in activities – watching and performing the task that is being  taught. Those who prefer the kinesthetic learning style may find it difficult to sit through a lecture, and retain very little of what is shared. 

Kinesthetic learners like to get in and do it! If this physical and hands-on style of learning is more like you, you may find massage therapy school right up your alley. Since massage therapy is a hands-on field of study, most students who are interested in massage school are kinesthetic learners. When you attend a massage therapy school, you will experience a lot of hands-on activity – both by learning to do massage, and by receiving massages from your fellow massage therapy school students. 

Massage school typically integrates all of the learning styles in ways that will lead you to a successful career in massage therapy.


Click Here: For more information about learning styles used at seattle massage schools



Massage School Supplies – Be Successful in Massage School and Beyond

Massage School SuppliesSucceeding in massage school requires more than just a passion for the field. Such an education program requires the learning of diverse hands-on techniques and the study of human anatomy, physiology, and otherwise. Through the fusion of both and professional development, you’ll learn how to use specific techniques and theories to address individual needs. Enrolling in a massage school thus means cultivating your own therapeutic approach through such diverse training.Through this process, you will not only need a passion for relieving others’ pain, but also some key supplies to start your career in this growing industry.

Tables & Tools

The foundation for any massage practice is a suitable table, chair, or mat, whether stationary or portable. Accessories help ensure client comfort, from body cushion systems to face cradle covers that add extra protection. Specialized tools will vary according to one’s specialization in massage school and include the following.

  • A range of manual massage tools (T-Bars, Thumbsaver, etc) for specific purposes, from Trigger Points to pressure relief.
  • Massage Stones or Cryocups for hot and cold therapies.
  • Thumpers, which are manual or electric tools of eight massage spheres, that provide hand-held stimulation of pressure points.
  • Hot and cold packs, as well as electrical warming units, for specific therapies.
  • Exercisers or small balls for improving finger, hand, and forearm strength.
  • Bolsters, pillows, or wedges for joint support and client comfort.

Other potential tools include accessories for one’s table, chair, or mat like cotton, fleece, or disposable sheets, covers, or padding, and towels and cleaning products.

Oils & Lotions

Many supplies are essential for the therapeutic side of massage school, especially in ensuring a relaxing sensory experience for clients. Understand these different therapeutic tools will help you determine which are necessary for your specialization.

  • Topical pain relievers, balms, and analgesics help relieve muscular or joint pain.
  • Essential oils come from plants, while blends combine fragrances for various purposes.
  • Natural herbs fulfill medicinal needs through infusion or distillation with oils.
  • Skin shields create invisible barriers to help address specific skin conditions.
  • Creams and lotions address friction and tension while soothing and moisturizing the skin.

Through various courses at massage school, you’ll learn which of these diverse tools are best suited to your particular field and adapting to clients’ specific needs therein.

Music & Media

Massage school will add various multimedia to your therapeutic toolbox, but you can start with several on hand. Music is the most obvious massage tool in its ability to ensure a soothing therapy experience, but instructional and other books and videos will be important parts of your resource library. Charts, too, will be essential in providing greater understanding of the human body and how massage provides relief. Anatomy, trigger point, and reflexology charts will be useful in massage school and beyond as you learn about and learn to explain pain and therapy, while posters, skeletons, and decoders will similarly support your practice. Lastly, developing concise and clear marketing media will be essential to your long-term professional development – from flyers for your business to business cards and your resume.

With the right tools, you can ensure that your time at massage school starts off right. As you learn various techniques, from pressure point stimulation to more elaborate Swedish massage, you’ll expand the tools and wisdom at your disposal. Through the combination of theory, hands-on experience, and professional development, you’ll learn to address individual therapeutic needs and understand how human bodies move, hurt, and heal. Gathering some of these essential tools to start will provide the strong foundation you will need for succeeding in massage school.

Click Here: For more information about supplies you might need during and after massage school

Seattle Massage School | Tacoma Massage School | Bellingham Massage School

Choosing Your Massage School – The Importance of Community

Hands-with-hearts-Silhouette.jpgYou want to lead a deliberate life. That’s part of what led to your decision to join the massage community which includes therapists, healers, herbalists and acupuncturists. Creating a balance between work, school and extracurricular activities is one part of the exciting journey you’re undertaking when choosing massage school. Choosing massage school means taking time up front to research all certification options. This research is perhaps the most important first step down the rewarding career path.

Choosing Massage School: Picking the Right Program

One of the first decisions you’ll need to make is what type of practice you would like to establish. Consider the following questions when choosing massage school:

  • Is your goal to work with athletes in therapeutic massage or would you like to focus on just providing comfort and relaxation to your clients?
  • Would you like to open a solo practice or are you planning on joining a team of providers?
  • What technique most interests you? Swedish? Reiki? Deep Tissue?

Look at your options when it comes to choosing massage school. Does the program meet state licensing requirements? Is the school accredited? What type of degree or certification will you receive?

How many hours of training will it take? What are the corresponding costs per credit hour. Can the school assist you with financial aid if you need it?

How large are the classes and do they work with your schedule? Small class size means a higher teacher to student ratio, allowing for individual attention. Are there flexible online classes in addition to on-site training? Does the school have multiple locations, which could allow scheduling flexibility in the future.

Choosing Massage School: Community Matters

Just as important as class size is the internal and external community that supports your studies. Massage school can be intense as the best clinical curriculum includes:

  • Anatomy and physiology
  • A gross anatomy lab including cadaver dissection
  • Pathology
  • Kinesiology
  • Massage theory and practice
  • Business management
  • First aid and CPR

This is a medically-based class load that could include up to a year of intensive study. Choosing massage school within a community of like-minded individuals that support your decision to learn these skills is very important. A community focused on holistic healing, organic and natural foods will likely be a positive fit for your study and practice. Having similarly focused healers within your classes will also provide you with the understanding and support you will need to excel in your studies.

When choosing massage school, take time to visit each potential school, paying particular attention to classrooms, class sizes and cleanliness. What is the neighborhood like? Ask if you can sit in and monitor a class to get a feel for the level of professionalism. Do they have alumni that you could speak with to get a sense of the real life job outlook?

Finally, will the school help with externships or job placement as part of the package?  Of course the cost is a consideration for most students. But if the school has a high graduation rate and the majority of students pass the massage license testing for your state, coupled with a high rate of job placement, this could easily offset the cost factor of massage school.

Choosing Massage School: Ensuring Your Success

Massage certification will not only positively impact your life, but the also the human beings you’re seeking to help. Taking the time to make a careful decision about choosing massage school will go a long way toward ensuring your success.


Click Here: For more information about our massage school programs

Seattle Massage Schools | Tacoma Massage Schools | Bellingham Massage Schools




5 Benefits of Paying for Massage School with a Student Loan

Happy-College-Student.jpgThe choice to invest in your future by attending massage school is both smart and realistic. The massage therapy industry is thriving and massage schools are popping up seemingly overnight. Student loan providers are essentially tripping over each other to fund dedicated students, offer them special rates and repayment plans. Add to these ideal conditions a favorable job outlook for massage therapists and you have every reason to finally pull the trigger on this dream career.

Why Pay for Massage School with a Student Loan?

Paying for higher education can often be more stressful than the coursework. This rings especially true for massage school, which many students tend to enjoy. Student loans can end the daunting cycle of working to pay for your education so you can then land a decent job. This economic opportunity is even more desirable considering the state of the massage therapy industry.

  • Enroll Immediately if you are accepted for one of the many available student loans. Don’t stress over saving the money to go to massage school when you could enroll as early as the next available semester. Applications for many student loans are available online and most of the companies are more than happy to help you with the process.
  • Subsidized Payments allow you to comfortably complete your classes without the worry of having to immediately pay back your loan. With a subsidized loan you do not have to begin repaying the balance until six months after you finish classes.
  • Competitive Lenders are vying to facilitate your way through massage school. Because of this healthy market you may be eligible for subsidized loans and different kinds of structured repayment plans. Many student loan companies offer tailored repayment plans that take your financial situation into consideration.
  • A Booming Industry is what you’re heading into. Now more than ever the benefits of massage therapy on your health is being widely accepted and cultivated. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that between the years of 2012 to 2022 the massage therapy industry will experience a 23% growth in jobs. It will not be difficult for you to find work as a therapist immediately after graduating massage school and begin paying off your loans.
  • Respectable Pay for massage therapists is rising slowly but steadily. The BLS reports that in 2012 the median for massage therapists was $35,970 per year or $17.29 per hour. The profusion of entry level positions partly accounts for this number, however, the possibilities for entrepreneurship in the field enhance the financial possibilities within the industry.

The time to capitalize on student loans and finance your way through massage school is now. Positions for skilled massage therapists are abundant, and the student loan market is ready willing and able to fund your endeavor into this industry. Your next step: pick a massage school that is right for you and research student loan providers.


Click Here: For more information about our student loan options.


Benefits of Small Class Sizes in Massage School

bigstock-Group-of-college-students-in-c-49737191.jpgBecoming one of the best massage therapists starts with taking massage therapy classes that provides hands on experiences that help you learn and grow. In fact, some of the best classes to join too receive your massage therapy education are ones that are small in size, and here we will discuss why this size is best while in massage school. 

Students are able to Excel Faster 

Smaller class sizes allow students to have more one on one time with their instructors and more hands on experiences to help them excel faster in their profession of choice. The more experiences you as a student can have when learning a particular trade the better you will become at the profession of choice, which will allow not just some doors of opportunity to open up for you career wise, but many. The better therapist you become the better income you will have when you are out in the world using your expertise to help provide services to others. 

Helps Boosts Self-Confidence

Being in a smaller class of students in massage school also forces you to be more involved in projects and helps you develop the proper skills necessary for being the best massage therapist you can be, which in the long run helps you boost your self-confidence. Anytime your self-confidence is being boosted, the more eager you are to want to learn even more and fine-tune your skills. 

Allows Students to Strengthen Weak Areas 

When learning a new profession such as massage you will run into strengths and weaknesses. The wonderful thing about smaller classes is teachers tend to notice the areas you are struggling in sooner than later. This allows the teacher to help you strengthen your weakened areas through different teaching techniques with one on one time before, during or after massage school hours so you can be the best you need to be in your profession of choice once you graduate from massage school. 

Fewer Distractions in the Classroom

Sometimes with larger class sizes, distractions can happen that take away from your learning experiences going on within the classroom. Joining smaller classes allows you to stay focused and learn all that you possible learn from the information being taught in massage school. After all, you are there in massage school to receive the best education possible so you can go out into the world and put your newly developed skills and education to use helping and serving others in need of your expertise. 

Bottom Line for Massage School 

As you can see the benefits of receiving an education in a smaller classroom of students is outstanding. You want to leave massage school feeling confident and well educated in all areas necessary to be the best massage therapist you can be for healing people through physical touch, which is one of the best alternative medicines out there. 


Click Here: To see who has the smallest classe sizes in Seattle and the Northwest.




Our Massage School Graduates Are Prepared To…

bigstock-Group-of-happy-friends-making2.jpgMassage therapy is more than just a trend in the United States, it is now a medically and culturally accepted path to general well-being and quality of life. To make things sweeter, as a massage therapist you would not only be helping others, you’d also be helping yourself. Massage therapy comes with the inherent benefit of conscientious human contact, which can improve the practitioner’s personability and sensitivity. There is an art to massage therapy, but also a science, which forms the foundation of massage therapy curricula at massage schools. The Northwest Academy for the Healing Arts is a small personalized massage school in Seattle with the kind of in-depth coursework that can enable you to graduate ready to succeed in a career in massage therapy. Graduates usually begin work as one of the following:

Licensed Massage Therapists

One hundred percent of the academy’s massage program graduates pass the National Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBlex) With completion of this program you are virtually guaranteed to start your career in massage therapy off on the right foot. Massage program graduates pass the exam and go on to:

  • Attain Licensure from the state of Washington.
  • Work in a variety of environments from cruise ships and casinos to medical offices and sports facilities.
  • Communicate Effectively with people both in a commercial environment, and also personally over an extended period of time such as a private practitioner or rehabilitation specialist.
  • Continue to Grow and build upon a solid foundation of human anatomy and physiology, pathology, kinesiology and massage theory.
  • Manage a variety of massage therapy business from the development of a proposal to the execution of a physical space and the creation of policy.

Massage Therapy and Bodywork Instructors

Graduates from the Massage Instructor Certification program emerge ready to tackle the educational environment. After successful completion of this course you would be a certified massage therapy and bodywork instructor. Your skills set would enable you to:

  • Develop Curricula for classes of different sizes and programs of varying lengths.
  • Manage and Supervise a classroom both under academic and hand-on environments.
  • Keep Accurate Records of student’s progress and be able to gauge the effectiveness of different teaching and learning methods.
  • Help Progress the ethics and practices of massage therapy through the constant critical analysis involved in teaching the craft.

The Northwest Academy for the Healing Arts isn’t just another massage school in Seattle, it is the best massage school in Seattle. With additional campuses in Bellingham, and Tacoma, Washington it is the best massage school in the region. Once you finish the massage program opportunities for continuing education are also available, such as, advanced orthopedic assessments and massage techniques, as well as advanced work in the academy’s massage therapy clinic. Northwest Academy graduates are prepared to succeed, but more importantly to enjoy a career of kindness and respect.


   Request More Info About Our Massage Schools 

Tacoma Massage School Campus Update

Four weeks till the doors open and this massage school becomes a home for many aspiring massage therapist.

Construction is well underway at our newest Tacoma massage school location, an addition to the Northwest Academy family. As you can see below, the lobby demo is complete and new plumbing almost done. We are headed toward drywall repair and painting through the week, with a goal of flooring next week.


 As you might notice,  I included a picture of the traditional massage therapist work boot. This footwear is a staple to massage therapist construction workers around the world. 🙂

Well, I suppose I should get back to work as this new school build out won’t do itself.  I will update you all again soon as I progress through the project.

Learn more information about our massage school campus locations!

Top Ten Reasons People Go Back to School

bigstock-Confident-Male-Student-Holding-72293533There are a hundred and one reasons people choose to go back to school. Some of the reasons gravitate around the harsh economic conditions; others are inclined towards creating a competitive edge over rivals. Other people are motivated
by the desire to be better and more skilled. Below are ten reasons potential massage students and health practitioners are likely to seek more education:

#1. Increase Qualification: since most jobs require prerequisite expertise and specialized skills, practical training and acquiring more knowledge is essential. Some of these qualifications come with a college degree that gives you a better position of securing a job or promotion.

#2. Passion for learning:
you may go back to school out of love for learning. Since some educational disciplines are vast and inexhaustible such as medicine and education, you may decide to expand your knowledge in a certain field in the course. When you learn new things, you get to sharpen and improve your skills.

#3. Enriching life: by deciding to go back to school, you can obtain a new hobby or perfect a skill. When you learn new things that make you happy, you feel satisfied and fulfilled. You can have fun in studying what you love and enrich your purpose in life.

#4. Chasing dreams: if your dream is to learn new things, you won’t feel offended to pursue further studies. It is by getting a quality education, which you can become a successful professional. Dreams in curing people with chronic illnesses or improve their fitness may require you to seek more knowledge.

#5. Career change: lucky individuals may decide to change their career path as time progresses, this may be due to personal or professional reasons. By going back to school, you can change your career direction geography-wise, industry-wise or satisfaction-wise by shifting the experience and skills you have already amerced with new knowledge.

#6. Adventure:
one more good reason you may want to go back to school is that you can explore the globe. You may ask how? This can be by securing admission into an institution of higher education in a different country or continent. While studying, you will get to learn about world cultures, politics and religion. 

#7. Promotion: it is true that getting a promotion can be a hard task. If you would like to move up on your career ladder, going back to school will create a springboard for your professional fulfillment. When you are promoted, you should be prepared to handle more responsibilities.

#8. Return to work: after you’ve been out of work for too long because of either family commitments, health issues or taking care of children, you may feel inadequate to handle the same duties. When you are ready to return to your professional life, you may need to get some additional trainingt to keep yourself up to date.

#9. Complete education: you may have dropped out of school because of financial reasons or to take care of an ailing family member. This may not mean that your opportunity has been lost, you can catch up with your studies, after all, education knows no age limit.

#10. Be a role model: going back to school is one of the ways you can set a good example for aspiring young people, friends and family. By pursuing more studies is an indicator that you are motivated to become successful.


Learn More About Massage School Here